The Greeting Machine
An abstract robotic object, capable of social encounters

The Greeting Machine is a robotic object, designed to convey the social interaction of greeting using only a minimalistic movement, while bearing no resemblance to humans, animals, household objects or most familiar robots.
To create expressive movement, gestures were designed with movement experts such as a choreographer, puppeteer and animator.
Experiments with the Greeting Machine show that it not only creates an experience perceived as an opening encounter, but, through the gesture design, it can also evoke positive and negative experiences. This indicates that an abstract, simple object, with very limited motion can create a social interaction experience through gesture design.

Project team: Dr. Oren Zuckerman, Dr. Guy Hoffman, Dr. Hadas Erel, Andrey Grishko
Students: Lucy Anderson-Bachar, Daniel Kuvent, Benny Megidish
Press: Fast.Co, IEEE Spectrum