An augmented smart home expert, affecting the physical world
This project was created as part of the Snap Creative Challenge - Reimagine the Future of Storytelling With Augmented Reality, and presented at IMX '20: ACM International Conference on Interactive Media Experiences.
Cottage is an augmented smart home expert which can control physical connected objects in the house. By exposing hidden processes in the smart home as part of a story, and making the smart home manager into a persona which cares for the user's wellbeing, we aim to lower alienation and enhance the sense of control of smart home users.
By designing Cottage, we explore how AR objects could interface with the real world and demonstrate how such interaction could enhance the sense of presence and invite users into the mixed reality.
You can check out the full presentation video here.
And you can try out our Proof-of-Concept app here (iOS and HomeKit required)
Project team: Dr. Jonathan Giron, Mr. Iddo Wald
Students: Daphna Abulafia, Shira Czerninski, Adi Gilad, Udi Lumnitz, Dan Pollak, Paz Rotshtein
Faculty mentors: Prof, Doron Fridman (ARL, Advanced Realty Lab), Dr. Oren Zuckerman (milab, Medial Innovation Lab)
Snap Challenge mentor: Dr Vinoba Vinayagamoorthy (BBC R&D)
Thanks to Snap Inc, Microsoft Research and BBC R&D.